NDG's DCP Service

We at NDG put our emphasis on supporting content / asset owners by providing good, efficient and cost-effective DCP services to our customers, assisting in the creation and distribution of digital assets.

DCP services are integral part to the work of studios / producers / production and content companies to optimize digital assets by writing and creating the source files that will serve as the backbone of the product for distribution.

Our DCP services include:

  • Final Asset Mastering
  • Encoding
  • IMF workflow
  • DCP Encryption / Decryption
  • Theatrical and Downstream Source Preparation
  • Direct upload to all platforms
  • Full QC
  • And more …

Our Services provided for:

  • Digital cinema
  • Audio
  • Home theater Mastering of with full quality control (QC) process.

Distribution to movie theaters

Distribution is changing and evolving, NDG has developed an established and reliable network that serves the distribution of digital assets perfectly.

This enables the studios and the various production companies to distribute their content via the NDG network while adapting the use of DCP services to the target audience.

  • 24/7 distribution and support service
  • DCP Encryption / Decryption